Application guides

Floor finish

The Finitec Tonic in 2 easy steps!

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étapes à suivre

  1. Step 1

    Step 1 Finitec Surface Preparation

    • Vacuum in order to eliminate dust and dirt on the floor.
    • Pour a small quantity of Finitec Surface Preparation on the floor.
    • Spread on a 50 sq. ft. (5 m²) area at a time using the Finitec applicator.
    • Let work for 5 minutes.
    • Wipe out all residues with the Finitec mop or damp cloths and rinse the surface 2 to 3 times with warm water.
    • A second application may be necessary to remove all residues.
  2. Step 2

    Step 2 Finitec Tonic

    Shake well and wait a few minutes to allow bubbles to break. Proceed first to an adherence and compatibility test on a hidden area.

    1. Step 2 - 1

      Soak the applicator with the Finitec Tonic and apply carefully on the edges of the surface to finish.
      Note: This step is not mandatory.

    2. Step 2 - 2

      Pour a line of Finitec Tonic directly on the floor following wood or laminate planks.

    3. Step 2 - 3

      Soak the applicator with the Finitec Tonic and slowly drag the applicator keeping it at a 45° angle to always bring the excess liquid towards the untreated section.

      Note: the applicator is leaning towards its front part and the back is slightly lifted from the ground during the whole operation. The application must be executed in a continuous movement.

      Do not apply any pressure on the applicator; the movement must be soft and easy. The surface should have a wet look.

    4. Step 2 - 4

      At the end of the row, do not raise the applicator and turn it in a half-circle and continue the application going the opposite direction on a distance of approximately 12 inches (30 cm).

    5. Step 2 - 5

      Before continuing in the other direction, apply pressure on the applicator to squeeze out liquid and lean the applicator to the wall and execute a fly off motion.

    6. Step 2 - 6

      Follow the same procedures for the rest of the surface.

    7. Step 2 - 7

      At about 15 to 30 inches (38 to 76 cm) of the wall, turn 90° and apply the two rows at the same time perpendicular to plank by bringing the liquid back towards you while moving to the door.

    8. Step 2 - 8

      As you are not following the wood boards anymore, don't forget to smooth out marks and lines.

      Note: Avoid to retouch a section that started to dry, because it can leave visible marks. Even if you see small streaks or marks, they will disappear during the drying process.

    9. Step 2 - 9

      Apply a light pressure on the applicator in order to squeeze out the excess of liquid.

      Note: if needed, remove the remaining Finitec Tonic and put it in a container.

    10. Step 2 - 10

      End the application in front of the door by smoothing out gently the marks and the lines by doing the fly off movement.