Monday, 08 July 2019
That’s always nice and rewarding to do DIY projects. Often, during the year, we find ideas and projects that we would like to realize. However, with cold weather that restricts our workspace and often lack of time, these projects are getting abandoned.
Now, it’s time to put these excuses aside. The weather is warm and mild and the summer holidays are approaching. This is the perfect time to put everything in action.
Even better, take advantage of it to get the kids involved. They are on vacation and constantly looking for activities. Here you go! Get them busy for few hours and share moments by giving them some parts of the project to achieve.
With this in mind, I have prepared a little inspiring board presenting 32 projects that are easy to achieve, at a lower cost, from pieces or wooden boards. (see video below, about 1 minute)
To color or protect your project, you can use Finitec waterborne stain, Finitec DESIGN paint or one of the Finitec waterborne coatings. All of these products are available in hardware stores or on our online store.
So, this is it! Let yourself be inspired and if you feel it, send us photos of your finished project.
You need more inspiration? Pinterest is a platform full of new ideas including images and sometimes instructions on how to realize your project.
You want to choose the right finish for your project? You have the choice here