
When doubting, consult an expert

When doubting, consult an expert Stéphanie Landry Poirier

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Sometimes, you just need a little help to make things possible. A friend that we will name Joe for this case study, asked us some help to restore his floor. As the Joe's floor was presenting a particular situation and he never realized this kind of work, he decided to ask an expert.

This is how it started. On a nice day of November, Joe got to call us as he needed help to restore his floor. As Joe was not sure of what he should do, he shared with us some details about the state of his floor.

He mentioned that he has an old spinet floor. Over the years, the floor has dried and became all crooked. To level it, Joe asked a professional who came to sand the floor to bare wood with a band sanding machine.

As he wanted to keep the rustic look of the floor, he asked to keep the crack and holes apparent.

To give an outstanding look to his floor, Joe decided to apply an oil-based stain.

At this time, Joe had a doubt. He was not sure if he could apply Finitec finishes on top of an oiled floor. That when he had the idea to contact a Finitec expert. After telling the exact kind of oil-based stain used, here is the expert’s recommendation:

‘’Because we are conducting on a regular basis compatibility tests of our products with other brands on the market, we know that Finitec finishes are compatible with this brand and with this product in particular. However, it still important to respect the following procedure to ensure an optimal result.’’

  1. Clean the surface with a neutral soap
  2. Apply 1 coat of Finitec Synergy. As Joe is not used with this type of work, he opted for a roller to apply the finish.
  3. Wait 4 hours and apply a 2nd
  4. 24 hours after the 2nd coat, screen with a 180 grain and the Finitec sanding machine to remove any imperfection.
  5. After cleaning the fine dust, we can apply the last coat.

Voilà! These 5 simple steps gave a breathtaking result. Even if Joe was uncertain of his capacity at the start but he successfully achieved the project. Great chance, he thought to ask an expert before starting the work. Without this, his project could have turned out very bad.

So, when doubting, no matter your project, do not hesitate to contact a team of experts to get the proper information. You may also, in any time, test the product on a hidden part to see the final effect and evaluate the compatibility.

Wishing you a lot of success with your next projects and if you have any question, do like Joe and call us.