Can we spray a finish? 02 novembre 2020 We often get the question, Can you spray a finish? Read full article to find out.
3 easy steps to restore a cork floor 01 octobre 2020 Did you know cork floors can be refurbished? In fact, it is even more cost effective than replacing them.
How to protect your floors against UV ray damage? 25 août 2020 The wood is made of a live material named lignin. This substance has the property to alter the wood colour when exposed to UV rays.
Laminate Floors: Protect and Restore 07 juillet 2020 As durable as it is we have some recommendations that will help extend the life of this amazing technology.
New! Online Store 22 juin 2020 It is with great pleasure that we proudly offer our new online store. No longer will you have to plan a part of your day to run around sourcing material. Read the article to learn how to place your order.
How to determine a finish sheen? 09 juin 2020 Gloss, Semi-Gloss, Satin or Matte, how do we establish the sheen level of these different finishes
Is it possible to refinish a part of the floor only? 24 mars 2020 Is it possible to apply your product to restore a small part of my floor?
Why choose an exotic wood? 02 mars 2020 While these characteristics can create some challenges, it also creates a warm, unique and personalized piece of furniture or flooring. And for that reason, consumers are drawn to these woods.
Can You Varnish a Laminated Floor? 30 janvier 2020 In this blog post, we want to help you repair the look of your laminate floors.
When doubting, consult an expert 15 janvier 2020 Sometimes, you just need a little help to make things possible.
How to choose the right type of floor varnish? 19 novembre 2019 Resistance, maintenance, drying: many elements need to be considered when buying a finish. Discover all our advice to help you make the right choice of varnish for your floor.
Something New from something Old. Can modern trends benefit You? 05 novembre 2019 I have just come home from my neighbour’s house and I have fallen in love with their new hardwood floors. Have you had a similar experience? Are your hardwood floors lacking that modern appeal? Is there anything that could be done to give my flo